146.205 - 146.805 Repeater
Map of 805 coverage

By Mark Thrash (WB5MBK) 146.805 site chairman:

The 146.205-805 repeater is a TRO medium range repeater.  It's radius of coverage is at least 25 miles with a mobile transmitting 10 watts and using a quarter-wave external antenna.

The repeater is located at 6846 South Canton in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  This is just north and east of 71st and Yale.
The repeater is a Motorola MSR-2000 repeater package with an ACC RC-85 controller.
The repeater has Icom remote base units on 70cm, 10m and 6m that are controlled by an ACC remote base controller.
The duplexer is a Sinclair 6 cavity.
Output of the transmitter is about 60 watts to a Ringo Ranger antenna.
The receive antenna is a High-Gain.
The 10 meter and 6 meter antenna's are Ringo's also.  The 70 centimeter (450 Mhz) antenna is a Telex high gain antenna.

Members of the Tulsa Repeater Organization are provided with the DTMF code sequences necessary to operate the bells and whistles on this repeater.  While the
TRO requests that members not give the codes to non-members, we do encourage them to help anyone wishing to use the repeater's special features by entering the codes for the function desired to allow non-members access.

The repeater was originally on 146.22-82 Mhz and at the water tower (golfball) location at 76th and Harvard.  After years of competition with the 82 repeater (through the 1970's) in Oklahoma City, the
TRO decided to change the frequency to 146.205-.805.


The repeater


Remote bases and their controller

.805 antenna location with
downtown Tulsa to the northwest


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