TRO Field Day 2007 The TRO Field Day 2007 was a success and a lot of fun. Thanks to Tom - KD5OPH for a well put together activity for the club. We had the American Red Cross EmTrac vehicle all through Field Day thanks to the Red Cross and Larry - KC5KLM's bargaining. The pictures pretty much tell the story and I wanted to get those out here so you could view and have an idea what went on at the TRO Field Day site. Many thanks go out to those that brought equipment, those that helped with the set-up and tear-down and worked the radio's to help accumulate contacts, but, as in the last few years at Field Day I have to say a special thanks to Fred Williams - KD5NBR for his help, use of his cooking equipment and then him cooking too. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did. The photo's above were taken by me. If you have some photo's you'd like me to add to the group (or replace some of mine) please send to wa5lvt@tulsahamradio.org. Thanks! By: Steve Miller - AA5V ** Assistant Editors Note** For those of you who missed it, Fred - KD5NBR put on one AWESOME pancake breakfast! Thank you again by: Jon Greene - WX5NCO