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20th Annual Maple Ridge Run
May 29, 2006
Thanks for your participation!


KD5OPH Tom Stroud
N7XYO Mark Conklin
WB5VST Ben Joplin
KB5TSI Brian Gnad
KD5VSB John Grace
KF5RD Pete Mann
KC5KLM Larry Holden
KE5GET Chris Reeves
K5CRQ Ed Compos
KD5NBR Fred Williams
WB2LIG Skipper Smith
KE5EHM Paul Young

Maple Ridge Run 2006 -
The only pictures I have received

Fred - KD5NBR and Annette - KE5EHV Williams sent these two photos.  The kids getting ready for the bicycle and tricycle race.  Fred and Annette's boy, Nick, was in the bicycle race.  



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