event - ARRL Field Day
When: Saturday June 22, 2002 'til Sunday June 23, 2002
Setup began around 1000 CDT Saturday morning.
The contest was from 1800 UTC (1300 CDT) and ended at 1800 UTC (1300 CDT) the 24th.
There was a drawing for some gifts after dinner.
Things such as First Aid kits, micro flashlight, fans, etc.
The TRO Field Day
Feast was charcoal burgers and hot dogs.
Where: All of this fun was had at Whiteside Park at East 41st and South Pittsburg
Between Harvard and Yale on 41st Street
Whiteside will probably be next years location!
If you missed all the fun, I'm sorry, your loss. If you were there, thanks for
coming and your support of amateur radio and the TRO.
We operated a 3A Field Day station. There was a variety of antennas, from a
multiband vertical (courtesy of Thom Sloan - K5ZJQ) to an all band twin lead fed dipole
supported in the air by the top of a lamp post on the north end and the top of a
very tall tree on the south side. (courtesy of Mike Ellard - KB5BLZ and
Steve Miller - AA5V).
Mark Roberts - KD5SMF provided a Packet station on VHF and an hf rig
running 10 meters into an inverted V.
Many many thanks to everyone that helped with the organization and setup - tear down
for field day.
I wish to give a special thanks Paul Papke - WB5MPU, the
TRO Activities
for his tireless efforts to make this a special event for everyone.
There are many more to list on the thanks list but that list is not complete.
Thanks again!
Following are some great photo's courtesy of Joe Iverson - KD5KKZ
More pictures - Click here
Steve Miller - AA5V
Treasurer/Webmaster - Tulsa Repeater Organization